
Completing a Relapse Prevention Plan

Completing a Relapse Prevention Plan | Hopelinks

Working the Relapse Prevention Plan

At the base of recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction there needs to be a strength in your life stronger than you. In the early stages of treatment you may choose to make a support group your strength for completing the plan of relapse prevention. This will work for a while but remember humans will let you down and only God or a spiritual belief will be with you at all times during your alcohol and drug addiction rehabilitation.

The spirit is the part of you that is immortal (if you believe in immortality). Your spirit only wants to treat you like a wise father would – A wise father does not provoke a child to anger, or harshly criticize you even in your weak areas. Your willingness to ask your strength to handle problems allows work in ways where you can’t.

Be totally honest with your strength about what you need, want and fear. There may be some things you never tell a human, so only God can heal you and rebuild your self esteem. (AA recommends making amends only if it would not cause others or yourself harm.)

Ways to Reduce Stress

  • Time Management
  • Have Goals
  • Make Lists
  • Spend your spare time wisely.
  • Organize your house and bills so it is easy to deal with.
  • If you have extra money and hate cleaning, hire a person to come in one time a month or so.
  • Be organized but not regimented so you can’t adjust to new or interruptions.
  • If you get a lot of phone calls and want time alone, turn the cell off.
  • You are not the most important person in the world and people can call back.
  • You don’t have to be available 24 hours a day.
  • Learn Problem Solving
  • Identify the Problem
  • Make a plan in steps, which break it down to different tasks and room to negotiate.
  • Take Action


Goal: You want to go to school and become a counselor.

  • Get a catalog to local colleges and see which courses are available to you at the shortest distance.
  • Register for a light load (especially if working) for a quarter.
  • Make sure you like the field before continuing.
  • When you have taken required courses, meet with a school counselor and see where you can intern.
  • When you finish school you will get the degree.
  • When you have adequate hours of internship, you will get the proper state certification.

When your goal is complete, congratulate yourself by buying something for your office, taking a weekend off for vacation or doing something you enjoy. Remember, the process of alcohol and drug addiction rehabilitation is long and building confidence takes a great deal of time and accomplishment.

Make sure you do not stretch your goals too far and set yourself up to fail. It is much better to set smaller, realistic goals to reach your long term, ultimate goal. Alcoholism and drug abuse recovery, completing a school program, or any other long term goal will benefit greatly and be more attainable by setting short term achievable goals which are attainable.

Part of recovery is learning to put positives where loss used to be.

Learning Direct Communication & Maintaining Possitvie Self Esteem

Assertive Skills

Learn Direct Communication

  • Don’t assume you are the cause of others feelings.
  • Don’t judge your feelings or tell someone else they should not feel that way (but do not but up with abuse).
  • If you let others abuse you, you are engaging in self abuse.
  • Provide honest feedback.
  • (Be in places where you can do that safely.)

Learn to Say, “No!”

  • Delegate responsibility when there are many things to do and others are involved.
  • When angry take a deep breath and count to ten.
  • Walk away if you have to.
  • If you don’t know something ask questions.

Maintain Positive Self Esteem

  • Speak up for yourself.
  • Tend to your own needs.
  • Believe in yourself and your abilities.
  • Give yourself credit for your strengths.
  • Be responsible for your feelings and actions, and actions.
  • Associate with positive people.

Have more than one area you derive self esteem from.

(Growing plants, working with pets, work, learning new skills).

Coping Behaviors

(Rate yourself from 0-very little to 4-very often.)

  • I get enough sleep.
  • I take time to eat and sleep.
  • I drink coffee, soft drinks or eat frequently.
  • I seek people out to talk too.
  • I leave my work area for breaks and don’t work overtime.
  • I use sick time at work when needed.
  • I take appropriate medicine.
  • I exercise.
  • I schedule leisure reading.
  • I pay attention to my grooming.
  • I schedule time for hobbies, interests and friends.

Addiction Recovery

Denial – The inability to see the problem.

Admit – To being addicted accompanied by talking about it.

Comply – A treatment program, following the guidelines in this format, attending sober support or counseling, reading self help books and taking the suggestions.

Surrender – Stops fighting the fact you are addicted and more calm about being called an addict.

Acceptance – Of having an addiction, feelings of high and low at the change.


Peace of mind.

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