Crystal Meth

Crystal Meth | Hopelinks

Crystal meth, also referred to as: meth, crystal, ice, glass, speed; was created in 1887 for scientific reasons and was first used in pill form during WWII by soldiers to stay awake on long missions.

  • There are 500,000 Meth users in the United States.
  • Methamphetamine was created in 1887 for scientific reasons and was first used in pill form during WWII by soldiers to stay awake on long missions.
  • Crystal Meth is commonly made from re-crystallizing the powder methamphetamine using a liquid solvent, creating the clear crystals.
  • Forms of amphetamine are inhaled, crushed and snorted, injected, or orally ingested.
  • Clear signs of someone under the influence: foregoing food and sleep, decreased appetite, increased activity, wakefulness, increased attention, decreased fatigue, hyperthermia, rapid and irregular heartbeat.
  • Prolonged Use can result in: anxiety, confusion, insomnia, mood disturbances, violent behavior, paranoia, hallucinations, delusions
  • Medical detoxification is not needed however psychological detoxification is vital.
  • Some withdrawal symptoms include: depression, anxiety, intense cravings, and extreme fatigue.

Meth Addicts Can Recover

There are options for the treatment of meth that include various levels of treatment ranging from outpatient to in-hospital care. This is determined by the needs of each individual.

It is also encouraged for the meth addict to participate in 12 Step or abstinence based fellowships and support groups such as Narcotics Anonymous.