

Heroin | Hopelinks

Heroin, also referred to as: dope, smack, white horse, black tar, H, brown sugar, chiva, negra, junk, skunk; originates from a blend by C.R. Alder Wright in 1874 where he added components to the morphine found in the opium poppy.

  • Unfortunately, there are over 2 million daily heroin users in the US.
  • Heroin is an opioid. It’s origins come from a blend by C.R. Alder Wright in 1874 where he added components to the morphine found in the opium poppy.
  • Heroin comes in several forms white powder, black tar and brown powder.
  • Heroin can be snorted, smoked or injected.
  • There are clear signs of someone under the influence: pinpoint pupils, no response of pupils to light, lethargy, slurred speech, nodding out, dry mouth and loss of appetite.
  • There can be harsh side effects from Heroin such as: shallow breaths, sweating, vomiting, drop in body temperature, and itching.
  • Some Heroin withdrawal symptoms are: tremors, cramps, muscle or bone pain, chills, rapid heart beat, restless leg syndrome, diarrhea, extreme craving, and body weakness.
  • Prolonged use can result in a physical dependence, nerve damage, heart infection, kidney disease, liver disease, skin infections, pulmonary complications, viruses, bacteria, overdose and, unfortunately, death.
  • Heroin injectors that share paraphernalia often end up with abscesses and are highly vulnerable to blood borne pathogens such HIV and Hepatitis C.

Heroin Addicts Can Recover

Some choose Drug Replacement Therapy. This is using drugs such as suboxone, methadone, and other morphine derivatives by switching the street drug to a doctor managed daily replacement.

While others choose complete detoxification. The detox can take place in a medical or residential setting. This is ideal for a person who wants to live 100% clean and sober.

After complete detoxification, most addicts who chose complete abstinence have better outcomes committing to a residential treatment center for thirty to ninety days.

There are also no cost, self help programs such as Narcotics Anonymous.

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