LSD, also referred to as: Hit, Tab, Acid, Blotter, Drop, Dip, Lucy in the Sky with diamonds, Rainbow, Skittles, Wacky Tic-Tacs, Tic-Tacs, cubes; was created in 1938 by Albert Hofmann, was intended to improve stimulation of respiratory and circulatory function.
- Known for its psychological effects, such as altered thinking process and hallucinations, LSD has been a prominent recreational drug used in the United States since the 1950’s.
- LSD, created in 1938 by Albert Hofmann, was intended to improve stimulation of respiratory and circulatory function.
- The hallucinogenic properties were discovered in 1943, when the doctor “accidently” consumed some of the medication himself.
- It was used in experiments for psychotherapy, alcoholism, migraines, and enhancing creativity all throughout the 1950’s and 60’s
- LSD can be ingested in a liquid solution, solid tablets, or the more pure crystal form
- Most people take LSD today for the psychedelic mind altering experience. It can also trigger panic attacks, anxiety, and flashbacks.
- Signs that someone is using LSD are: dilated pupils, sweating, dry mouth, abnormal laughter, distracted persona, confusion, as well as poor coordination and poor judgment.
- LSD does not cause a physical need to compulsively act in drug-seeking behavior, but it does however, produce a physical tolerance that requires a user to use more each time which can result in overdose.
- Long term use of LSD can also result in a psychological dependence and flashbacks to previous a LSD session
- In treating LSD abuse, there are some medications such as valium, that help with the initial effects and in an emergency situation, when someone is having a “bad LSD experience”, stomach pumping and activated charcoal have been used.
LSD Addicts Can Recover
It is suggested for chronic LSD users to have psychological treatment due to sporadic and unpredictable effects at any time after abstinence.
There are options for LSD treatment that include various levels, ranging from out patient to hospital care. This is determined by the needs of each individual
It is also encouraged for the LSD addict to participate in 12-step or abstinence based fellowships such as Narcotics Anonymous.